We are renting an appartement for the complete month of march in Pokhara. Its situated on top of a hill, overlooking the lakeside (where the restaurants and bars sit on top of each other). The kitchen has what we need to cook and the landlord offers herbs from his garden. When we step outdoors the terrace is all ours.
It starts to feel like home. I spent my days outside to draw the traditional boats of Pokhara and work on colored variations at home. The local copyshop laminates my sale-board and gives me tips where to find art supplies. I even have a stamp made showing my website. I put it on the back of my drawings. Hopefully people buy and keep in touch through the site. So far my high hopes.

Pop up shop
During our shophours we have lots of interesting conversations with tourists and locals. Definately the pictures are too expensive for most of the nepalese. A typical job, e.g renting boats, earns 10.000 rp a month, which equals around 100€. Nevertheless, more than one person offers to tell people along the lake promenade about the massage point, and warmly congratulates me on my art.
Suddenly a british couple stopps and buys the little painting of the two older ladies! From now on all changes. I have a person turning up for massage every hour.
Just when we thought it couldn’t get better, we are proven wrong at the spot. Since I´ve visited Scotland last year, I love this country and their people. Well, these three gentlemen from the east coast of Scotland were on a journey with the Rotary Club to hand over a donation for the restoration of a school that had been damaged during the earthquake. They also purchased each a drawing.
More drawings:
And one last surprise…We are in Pokhara during Holi- the festival of colors and love. Everyone gets crazy throwing colored powder at each other. Hands of blue, yellow and red get smeered in our faces, followed by waterbombs or a buket of lakewater. It mashes up on us to a brown sauce. Go Pokhara, go!